The Knight of Columbus are happy to announce that the 2025 Lenten Fish Feast Dinner series will start on Friday March 7th. Prices are $20/adult for 6 weeks. Children that are 12 and under are free. If you purchase tickets for the season before the first dinner, you only pay $18 per ticket for the $20 price. Our great chefs have prepared six new menus for your enjoyment.
General Information
Make reservations by making your reservation and payment online by selecting the reservation link (left column).
Please make your reservations no later than Noon on the Wednesday prior to the Friday of your choice.
Doors open at 6:00pm. Appetizers at 6:30, dinner is at 7:00
Dates and Sponsors
The dinners are held every Friday of Lent after Ash Wednesday but not Good Friday.
The dates and sponsors for the Friday Fish Feasts are below.
March 7 - Knights of Columbus/La Colonia de Eden Gardens
March 14 - St. Leo
March 21 - Youth Ministry
March 28 - Faith Formation
April 4 - St. James Academy
April 11 -St. Leo Faith Formation