Current Year Events

Community Breakfasts 2024-2025

The Knights hold a community breakfast each month after the 9AM Mass.  They usually begin when school begins on the 2nd Sunday of each month and continues until Lent.  Here is the tentative schedule for the coming year. 

  • September 22

  • October 6

  • November 10

  • December 8

  • January 12

  • Febriary 9

Spooky Knights - October 26, 2024

Our annual Halloween party for the youngsters occurred each year in the Hall.  The group has a wonderful time.  Great food, great entertainment.

Friday Fish Feasts - March and April 2025

Our Friday Fish Feast Dinners happen during Lent.  They occur on the six Fridays following Ash Wednesdays.   The dates and the sponsors for this year are as follows.

  • March 7 - TBD

  • March 14 - TBD

  • March 21 - TBD

  • March 28 - TBD

  • April 4 - TBD

  • Aprill 11- TBD

Knight's Choir - May 11, 2025

The Knights perform as the Church Choir on Mother's Day in May at the 9AM Mass.  This has been our tradition many years.