
Knights of Columbus - Council 12749

St. James and St. Leo Catholic Community - Solana Beach, CA

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of practicing Catholic men committed to family, community, church, and parish. The Knights have existed as an organization since 1882 and represent more than 2 million members throughout the world.

Council 12749 was established in the year 2000 and serves St. James & St. Leo Catholic Community in Solana Beach, Ca.  There are currently over 125 members. 

Practicing Catholic men over 18 who would like to be part of a great organization are welcome to join our council. We meet monthly in our council chambers in the Ministry Center of St. James Church, 625 South Nardo Avenue, Solana Beach, CA. 

Monthly council meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.  

Fish Feast Coming

See Friday Fish Feast in the left column to read Overview, Reservations and Menu. Please join ua for six weeks starting March 7th.

Plaque for our Great Cook Mike Brown

It is above our Kitchen shown with our great breakfast crew in September, 2023

New Knights Join Our Council

Our Council had our first St. James Church Exemplification and two new brothers joined us. They were our Pastor Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla and Mr. Sal Bruno. See the picture of the event under “Recent Knights” to the left. It was an outstanding event. In addition, under “Great Photos” to the left, you can see pictures of the St. James Exemplification.

Knights and Our Priests Go to Dinner

Many of our Knights and our Priests went to Dinner on December 6, 2019. They went to Tony Jacal restaurant and were entertained with music. A good photo is below.

2019-12-06 17.41.52.jpg